If you would like any more information further to the below please contact our team:
T: 0812 400 0000 | E: sales@ilubirin.ng
When will the first phase of residential buildings be delivered?
The first phase of the residential buildings is progressing well and it is anticipated that the first apartments will be completed during Q2 2025.
When will the whole Ilubirin district be complete?
Discussions are taking place on a number of the areas and asset types and it is anticipated that there will be news on the next phases during the coming months.
How is the road infrastructure progressing?
Work continues to be carried out on the roads and it is expected that they will be complete in conjunction with the first residential apartments.
What landscaping is being delivered?
Trees and shrubs are being propagated in order that the first phase residential landscaping can be installed as the buildings are completed. Further areas of landscaping are currently being considered for early implementation.
How will Ilubirin be protected from flood risks?
The master planners have designed the whole district to include extensive flood mitigation and prevention measures.
How is the drainage canal being addressed?
The redirection of the canal is currently well underway, and all works are expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2025.
What is there in place to ensure the safety and security of residents at Ilubirin?
There is 24/7 security on the site.
Will there be a building management team?
There will be a dedicated Ilubirin management team to address any issues that residents might have.
Will there be noise and dust for residents whilst the development continues to progress?
As with any major construction project, there are associated issues such as noise and dust. A strict working hours policy will be in place, alongside a regular building, window and area cleaning programme. All residential apartments have double glazed windows which will minimise any noise issues.
What does the price for the apartments include?
Ilubirin apartment prices are inclusive of the base specification, the fitted kitchen and associated appliances, the fully detailed bathrooms, air-conditioning, lighting fixtures, stamp duty and legal fees. This results in a simpler and more time and cost-effective buying experience.
What are the quality standards of the apartments?
It has been the ambition of the development team from the very beginning to deliver a product of an internationally recognized quality. The interiors are being crafted using many bespoke Italian-made finishes and units, and they will set a benchmark for Lagos.